As the marketing research industry knows, regardless of developments in technology, engagement and a quality panel are two key ingredients that continue to support sound, reliable research outcomes.
In 2016, engagement comes in many guises. It can relate to the usability of a website or platform, cutting through the digital noise that bombards people of all ages and satisfying respondent expectations to continue ongoing buy-in. For market researchers it can involve choosing the right platform to communicate with respondents and using the right technology to boost their access to relevant insights.
As we develop new online and automated products to meet the needs of researchers, customers and clients are we continuing to ensure that our panel is coming along for the ride?
Engagement trends
This year’s Greenbook Research Industry Trends (GRIT) report contains some positive insights including automation trends, discussion about industry disruptors, social media analytics, the use of mobile, online communities and more. Amongst the positive industry sentiments sits the one issue that is highlighted as an industry weakness and that relates to how the we continue to engage with respondents.
Greater online panel engagement could, in part, lie in acknowledging how individuals are engaging with familiar online platforms like the social media juggernaut Facebook. This year’s Sensis Social Media Report 2016 ‘How Australian people and businesses are using social media’ provides an interesting insight into how Australians are engaging online. For example,
- Australians are spending more than half a day per week (12.5 hours) on Facebook, up 4 hours from last year.
- While the main attraction of Facebook is contact with family and friends, user-friendliness also has prominent appeal.
- Watching videos has emerged as one of the most commented reasons that people use social media along with sharing photographs, news and current affairs.
- 31% of those surveyed for the report indicated they watched videos online 27% of users posting review or blogs. While this is highest in the 30 to 39 age group it’s also relevant to note that 21% of the 65+ year age group also did so.
- The majority of people use social networks after work or in the evening followed by first thing in the morning and lunch time.
Familiarity with the ‘back end’ of the Facebook platform will assist researchers engage and develop products that take advantage of online knowledge, in turn supporting a speedy and relevant response. At the same time panel engagement via Facebook through competitions, awareness campaigns and near real time two-way conversation provides an avenue for engagement that builds panel relationships and promotes ongoing engagement.
Automation relies on greater buy in from researchers and respondents. Respondent engagement is therefore tied to utilising channels and tools that make it easy for them to engage and provide input.
Over the past 12 years Facebook has gradually infiltrated the lives of Australians of all ages. While the marketing research industry has also embraced technology the link between the two platforms could be further utilised.
About Soapbox Fusion
Our brand new product Soapbox Fusion draws on the strength of our extensive panel that has been developed and engaged via Facebook. It provides researchers with the ability to gather deeper insights about any topic or subject matter, either pre or post group discussion. Researchers can upload topics and images, guide discussion, set timelines and more.
Panel members can log in and respond via the platform and results can be compared across relevant variables including geographic areas. For example, respondents can provide input into a food diary by sharing their thoughts and posting pictures about what they had for lunch. Post task, deeper research opportunities include directing respondents to concepts, advertising, names etc. for feedback.
Soapbox Fusion is easy to use and its convenience really appeals to mums, business people and other time poor groups who can respond at their convenience.
Greater engagement means greater insight and that’s where Soapbox Fusion has the competitive edge.