You’ve spent so much time and effort on your brand;
doing everything to make sure it is perceived the right way.
But as we all know – things change.
New products are launched, marketing managers might change, agencies change, communication channels spring up and consumer tastes can change.
Now there’s an inexpensive and fuss-free way to find out how your brand, products and services are actually perceived – and importantly – expert advice on what to do about it.
Your market snapshot solutions team
Three sister agencies inside Bastion Collective have collaborated to bring you an easy, cost effective and practical solution to marketing changes. The expert sister agencies who produce Market Snapshot Solutions are:
Stable Research is one of Australia’s leading research recruitment firms. They find the right people to give some of Australia’s biggest companies the right data and insights into their brand, products and services. They also manage one of the largest and most engaged research panels with over 110,000 Australians from every walk of life ready to give their opinion. Start right, End Right.
Bastion Latitude is one of Australia’s largest and most respected market research companies. For over a decade, Bastion Latitude has worked with some of Australia’s biggest companies and governments to offer pivotal insights into their direction, markets and marketing assets.
Bastion State is a leading creative agency with key personnel holding combined experience of over 85 years in marketing and advertising. They produce winning creative for any channel using expertise in brand, creative strategy, digital and design services. They pride themselves on finding creative solutions for any business, on any channel and any budget.
Whether you’re entering a new market or need to know what the current state of play is, we have a solution for you.
We will quickly and economically give you a market snapshot so you know at a high level how your brand, product or services are perceived. The information you’ll receive is high level – so you’ll know quickly and economically how you’re brand, product or service is perceived.
What you’ll get
A document that gives you two key insights per question from 5 questions about one brand, product or service.
What we’ll do
- Design your questions
- Run the survey
- Give you two high level insights per question
Sample Size
1,000 people targeted to specific market.
Does your marketing and sales team know what customers really think of your brand? In this phase we look at:
Ten main customer touchpoints (such as webpages, call centre, collateral) and assess them against your brand values guidelines and key messages.
We then contact a viable sample size of your customers. We ask them five questions to ascertain what they think and feel about your brand or product. For example, the questions could be:
- Is XX brand trustworthy?
- Is XX brand one you’d recommend to friends?
- Does XX brand offer products or services that makes a difference to your life
- Is XX brand a supporter of environmental sustainability?
- Is XX brand a good Australian company?
Finally we contact potential customers – those who don’t use your products or services but are inside your target audience. We ask them the same 5 questions and compare the results.
What you’ll get
A document that tells you:
- A “traffic light” report that shows you how aligned each touchpoint is with brand guidelines, values and key messages
- How your brand is perceived by customers
- How that may differ from your intended brand values
- How intended customers view your brand
- Ten major actionable insights from this data
Sample Size
300 targeted in line with your market demographics
So now you know where your marketing communications deviate from your intended brand position, or perhaps customers aren’t picking up what you’re putting down. Now what?
Our creative team will develop some digital solutions that address the gaps in your marketing position. Our creative team is made up of industry experts in strategy, creative development, copywriting and design – they will work with your brand guidelines to make
sure the creative contributes to your brand.
They will use the insights gathered in step two to create materials that will address the biggest opportunities for your brand or products.
Next our digital team will then test 6 pieces of creative across social and digital media. They will make sure the creative Is only seen by potential customers and they will test the most effective creative across a two week period:
KEY INSIGHT ONE that needs to be addressed
Creative Solution 1 vs. Creation Solution 2
KEY INSIGHT TWO that needs to be addressed
Creative Solution 1 vs. Creation Solution 2
KEY INSIGHT THREE that needs to be addressed
Creative Solution 1 vs. Creation Solution 2
What you’ll get
- Six pieces of creative that will address the biggest opportunities or insights gathered in step two
- A digital campaign that reaches intended customers and tests 6 pieces of creative to find the best performing material
- A document that tells you how well each piece of creative performed
Sample Size
400 targeted to your potential customers